Wednesday, September 16, 2009

1 step forward, 2 steps back

If you asked me on Friday if I thought I would finish in under 3:15 I would have confidently answered, "No question about it!" Ask me again today and I will say, " I will be lucky to finish."

2 great speed work sessions followed by a miserable long run and another struggle on a tempo run. I am not surprised I didn't have a great long run. I realized going in that I was less than 36 hours removed from a gruelling track workout and wasn't alarmed when I felt sluggish to start our 22 miler Saturday. I eventually found my grove but something still seemed wrong when I felt tired before the halfway point. I struggled on just doing what I do best, surviving but definitely not thriving. And then after the last water jug I did the unthinkable - I had to stop to walk during a training run! This has happened before a few times, but never this far into my training.

I had time to think about what went wrong now that my group had long since passed me by and what I came up with was my poor diet the previous week coupled with my lack of rest so soon after such hard workouts. This just reinforces my belief that I need to eat properly and gets as much rest as I can (at least for a month before the race, for both!)

Robyn is in a lot of pain and after discussing it we came to the conclusion that we are both going to need a lot better communication and patience if we are going to get through this. I was often oblivious to the obvious and then often times would or put off things if I did see (such as I still haven't got around to sealing the crack in the cement in the back of our garage that I noticed last summer) and Robyn has realized that she needs to start voicing things that give her pain instead of fighting through everything full steam ahead. I have seen a lot of great runners but I have never met anyone as much endurance, pain threshold, and sheer strength as her. She has the ability to take more pain with a smile on her face than anyone I have ever met.

Quote of the day: "Given the choice between the experience of pain and nothing, I would choose pain." - William Faulkner (must be related to my wife)

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