Friday, August 7, 2009

Slight injury

After racing last Saturday evening I had planned on doing a mild 10 mile run Sunday. It wasn't too long (comparatively) so I didn't take it too seriously - old shoes, old socks. Well, no matter how far you're going bad shoes AND bad socks are a VERY bad combination. The result was that I got about 3 or 4 mles and I finally checked my sore heel. Sure enough - it was rubbed raw and bleeding. Bad news, but even worse was that I was still a mile and a half from home so I jogged back sowly. This lasted a mile then I had to remove my shoes and run in socks. In case you are wondering why I ran - because it hurt to run or walk so why not run?

As a runner you have to know the differences between pains and what injuries you can run with and which you should rest. This one I could stick a band aid over and gut out the pain. I did the hard workouts but skipped the easy runs this week. It is nearly healed, another band aid treatment for a 16 miler tomorrow and with Sunday off should be fine for next week.

But the big news is tomorrow after the run we are going to get our new dog! I will likely nap in the car and let Robyn drive there and I will drive home. We will have 3 dogs all roughly the same age. They could even be exactly the same age since we don't know exactly when any were born. I am still trying to figure out how or if I can walk 3 dogs at once. It depends on how well-behaved the new one is since I have trouble walking these 2 wild beasts at once. They always want to be 2 feet in front of the end of the leash, if I drop the leash they will wait for me to pick it up. I often think the leash is only so they know where I am!

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