Sunday, August 23, 2009

We went to downtown Zeeland Saturday for Dog-o-rama! It was a good time and the girls loved being out. Can you tell? Robyn had to leave before I got back from my run so she only took JoJo, the German Shepherd, along with the 2 girls, anymore would have been too much to control. Besides, we weren't sure the other 2 dogs aren't quite ready for a public gathering like that yet but we all went to the dog park today and I do think the other 2 would have been just fine. JoJo was looking rather somber there but she doesn't like cameras so that may have been a big part of it.
When I got back from my run I showered and rode my bike down there. I found the kids in the bakery with "Old Grampa" (their nickname for my grandfather). Zeeland Bakery has the best Chocolate Fried Cinnamon Rolls in the world (Maybe I can get a few free for the shameless plug!) so I had one, I showed great restraint in not getting 2 or 3. But the star of the day was JoJo and her award winning tail! She won second prize in the longest tail competition, see the top picture to fully appreciate the punishment it puts on our vacuum cleaner.
The training run was at Fallasburg Park. If you scroll back a ways you will find pictures of that hilly terrain there. Even though it was our down weekend (14 in between two 22 mile runs) it was a fairly tough workout. No river plunge this time for me, had to get home for Dog-o-rama.
I am still a little worried about my calf muscles holding up for 26.2 miles. I can't think of any more I can do. The calve sleeves seem to be working. The reason I am still worried is that last time I didn't have any problem during any of the training runs either. I guess the only thing I can do now is to continue training properly and pray for good legs during the race.
Quote of the day: "Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd." - Voltaire

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