Monday, July 20, 2009

My iPod music

With this very mild weather we are having here in Michigan I ran at noon yesterday and only needed 2 water stops and still finished feeling great! I had thoughts of adding a 3 mile loop for 23 or even doing it twice for the magical 26 but thought better of it. I ran 20 miles with hills on the last 4 miles, finished going down a big hill, that always feels better. Best 20 mile run ever!

It was only about 70 degrees yesterday with low humidity. For mid July you can't ask for any better running weather than that.

Okay, now the embarrassing part - what is on my iPod. I have albums by Beth Orton, Def Leppard, Dido, K's Choice, Little River Band, Neil Young, and Stevie Nicks; and the soundtrack to City of Angels as well as about 20 Christian songs from various artists that my wife bought and I liked so kept on there. All I need are my Eminem, Ozzy Osbourne, and Van Morrison CD's for a complete mix of rock music (starting in 1970).

Quote of the day: "As a nation we are dedicated to keeping fit and parking as close to the stadium as possible." -Joe Moore

1 comment:

  1. Woo-hoo! Way to go! I have a long ways to get to where you are but taking my time.
    Great variety of music.

    Were you on Twitter yesterday for the Dystonia Twitter Awareness Day. It was pretty incredible. If you are on Twitter my name is Joey_T, look me up.

    Have a great night & keep going!
