Thursday, July 30, 2009

2 Reminders

I used to love to take my shirt off, in the summer playing baseball or basketball in the yard with friends I was always the first one to remove my shirt. Even in college when far more vanity was involved, I was eager to be on the skins team despite my lack of muscle tone or chest hair. Not quite sure why but I never have liked having a wet shirt. But nowadays I always have to think twice about taking my shirt off, even last week on the tube I had thought that maybe I had better keep my shirt on before finally deciding too remove it. Today I still have the flat stomach I did in college and sadly no muscle tone and only a few scattered hairs on my chest but I am ever conscious of the 2 impulse generators in my chest that are plainly visible. So visible in fact that one looks as if a good vacum might suck it right out of my chest!

I am also fearful of losing my hair since my ugly mop is covering 2 bumps on the top front of my head. 2 more reminders that I am not normal. 2 more reminders of what separates me from 99.9% of the world. 2 more reminders that I am lucky to be alive and living life like I am. Sometimes I think if I had this 30 years before I would be locked away in a home hidden from society. If I had this 3000 years ago would have been pronounced as "possessed by demons" and killed or far worse.

No matter how many reminders I get each day about what I have or what I am I can always walk into my girls' bedroom and get 2 reminders of what beautiful things we all can create.

Quote of the Day: "It is a happy talent to know how to play." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

1 comment:

  1. This is sweet. How old are your girls?
    Yeah, i hear you on the vanity issue but makes it possible for you to even do all this running. Would this have even been possible w/o your surgeries?
    It is amazing how children give us that extra strength, like we need to be truthful but also strong for them.
    Thats good your dogs don't run if you happen to drop the leash. It would seem hard to run w/ 3 big dogs.
    My sister has a border collie chow and this was a rescue dog. He was very timid around others at first. He is much better. At the lakes my sister was walking her dog with our niece Abby (the muscle girl) and my sister turned around for a second to dump his 'stuff' in garbage. Rebel saw a chipmunk and ran after it - all the while Abby was hanging on. She didn't know to let go. She was dragged through bushes and got pretty scratched up. I'm glad i didn't see that. Makes me sick to even think of it.
    I like your quote of the day
